Monday, June 3, 2013

Day 24 plus - The end – or just the beginning…

Day 24 plus observations – Final results: Down 8 lbs, 14.5 inches overall!!! (I will post better 'after' pictures when Tom can take them).

It has taken me forever to write this last post. I know it is because it is hard to put down in words how life-changing this challenge has been. I know, those are strong words, and I don’t use them lightly. What had seemed like such a puzzle to me in past seems to clear and EASY now. I felt like I was being bombarded with different ways to make me feel and look good. It was exhausting - just go on pinterest and you can see 101 easy ways to lose weight and feel great – just add ginger to your water, or do a plank every day for 20 minutes, or drink a green smoothie that Lauren Conrad says works (like she is any authority on nutrition),  or the simplest of all – just eat slower! And sure all those things might help but they are not the answer – at least they weren't for me. I had to learn what made my body feel good and my relationship with food had to change. I now eat to fuel my body (at least 80% of the time, 20% is still fun foods). This means I know that I can eat a salad for lunch that is full of protein-packed veggies and lean protein meats and I will be FULL. Maybe not always satisfied in regards to taste (although my salad making is getting much better), but satisfied in regard to what my body needs. And this is biological - high protein foods take more work to digest, metabolize, and use, which means you burn more calories processing them. They also take longer to leave your stomach, so you feel full sooner and for a longer amount of time. And here is the other thing I had to learn - I should not use food or drinks as rewards – or at least as not as much as I was. Listen, I love going out to dinner with my husband or friends and having a little splurge, but it was getting out of control. When you are ‘treating’ yourself every day it is no longer a splurge – but a routine. I had to break the cycle. And the cool thing is, if you eat better than you exercise better. You actually GO to the gym more (no more sluggish mornings or afternoons) and you get better results at the gym. This is also where supplements can come in to play. If I am going to the gym, I want to get the most ‘bang for my buck’ – if I am going to suffer through never ending squats and lunges then I better see results! A lot of this has been taken care of through my diet but the last bit has been aided through taking the correct supplements so that I recover faster, perform better and burn fat and not muscle. And I know much of this can be done on one’s own, but the schedule and the ease of using the Advocare product line was just what I needed. I didn't have to worry that I was taking some crazy drug that was manufactured in China alongside lead toys – I knew their products were of the highest quality. And the support system is the best – I haven’t really mentioned this part but when you sign up to do a challenge, you get a coach that answers your questions and helps motivate you during your journey. In addition, you get access to a huge community of other challengers on facebook where you can ask those hard questions (i.e., anybody else feeling a little blocked up?) or get tips (i.e., try the dark chocolate almonds!) or read their stories of success that will surely inspire you.  So – was it worth it? Absolutely.  And this truly isn't the end – I really, really hope I can use all that I have learned to continue this healthy lifestyle to be a good role model to my children and to be around for many years to enjoy them. And not just on the side-line. I want to be running that Mother’s Day 5K right alongside my daughter and who knows, maybe even my granddaughter – wouldn't that be cool. And if I can inspire or help others to do the same – that would be pretty awesome too. So I’ll leave you with a quote I found on pinterest – yes, I do still look at pinterest – it’s a love/hate thing… But this one I actually think is right on:

Eat well, move daily, hydrate often, sleep lots, love your body, repeat for life…

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Day 20 - Tom's early results

Day 20 observations- Tom's early results

I can't believe I'm only 4 days away from the end of this challenge. Some days are harder than others for sure - but for the most part it hasn't been nearly as bad as I had thought it might be. I will give my full synopsis of the challenge in a few days but today I wanted to tell you about my other half's success. Tom, although he really did not have much to lose, opted to try the challenge for two reasons. 1.) he had lost his drinking and eating buddy so in his words, "if you can't beat 'um, join um.) and 2.) he wanted first hand experience with the products so that he could truly say if they were all that we heard they were cracked up to be. And although I am not allowed to show his before and after pictures (groan...), he did say I could share his results. So - after 14 days he has lost 7.6 pounds and 10.5 inches over his whole body. He lost 2 inches in his waist and 2 inches in his hips. What's also interesting is he gained an inch in his shoulders. He attributes this to getting better results lifting weights and has seen improvement in the tone and muscle mass in his arms. In addition, he ran a mile faster than he has since college as part of a recent training run to test his conditioning (@4:48). While Tom still feels he needs more time to evaluate the program, he has told me that he doesn't want to stop taking any of his new supplements because he thinks he'll see greater results in the weeks/months to come (i.e., this is not a short-term solution). Now granted - during this challenge we both continued to work out doing a combination of cardio and strength training so it is very possible that someone who did not do this might not get the results we did. But, for someone who is exercising and not seeing the results they feel they should - this program is a game changer. We both plan on using some of our favorite products after the challenge (vitamins, spark drink, catalyst, and some of the shakes) and I really do feel that I will not gain the weight back but instead I will continue to see improvements in my energy level, my muscle strength, my weight and my overall health. I hope I am right!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Day 14 - Crabby pants

Day 14 Observations -
Well - life isn't all diamonds and rose (RHWBH reference for all my BRAVO fans out there). I am on phase two of the challenge - the refuel and burn phase - and it's no cake walk (yum, cake). The idea is that on certain days you refuel and add some starchy carbs to your menu (hurray!) but on the burn days you remove those as well as fruit from your diet to get your metabolism back on the right track and it pushes your body into an intense “fat burning” mode. Who doesn't want that?! But what they don't say is you get crabby - or at least I am. Not sure why but by about 5:00 at night the past two nights I just feel like my patience is gone and I'm grouchy. I'm trying to push through it as I am seeing big results. My arms look totally different - you can actually see the muscles that I have been working on for the past year. My butt is is shrinking as is my waist. So I know it's working but it ain't easy - and that's why they call it a challenge! And I can't wait to dive into a bowl of fresh fruit tomorrow!!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Day 11 - Weigh in day!

Day 11 Observations

Today was the day - the day we have all been waiting for (ok mostly me). Weigh in day! It just so happened to coincide with Mother's Day and what a better Mother's Day gift than losing 5.4 pounds and 'drum roll'.......12 inches!!! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I wouldn't have believed it. I lost 2 inches in my waist, 2 inches in my hips, an inch around each arm, and 3 inches in my shoulders/chest (bye, bye boobs). But the best part is I feel awesome - so full of energy and a clear head. NO crashes, no hunger panic, no caffeine headaches, nothing! And I PRed at the Mother's Day 5k this morning! Ran 3.1 miles in 27.11 - 8:45 pace. My sister asked me in the car, "Do you think you will gain it all back? Go back to your old ways?"  which is a good question. Here is my answer - why would I want to? Why would I want to feel sluggish and crabby? I love the way I'm feeling and looking - and sure, I miss my glass of wine and a few of my food indulgences - but I'll be able to have those again. Just in moderation. I know now what works in my body. I know now that I need protein all day long. I know that I need multivitamins to help balance my mood and my rev up my energy. So, no, I don't think I will go back to my old way and it will all come back. But only time will tell. But today I am happy and so proud of myself. And here are the pictures to prove it!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Day 8 - partners in crime

Day 8 Observations:

I now how a few partners in crime. My husband joined the challenge four days ago and two girlfriends started today! I highly recommend doing this with someone, it is so much easier to be successful! For example, five days ago I sat at a restaurant while I watched my husband drink multiple beers and eat wings, fries, and a hamburger (that is not an exaggeration, BTW), while I ate my salad and drank my boring water and had a pity party for myself. Fast forward to tonight when the whole family sat down for a salmon and broccoli dinner prepared by my husband. Plus it has been very rewarding to help coach him and my two friends as they make their way through this process (i.e., chug the fiber drink, it's awful - or - don't forget to write down when you take a pill, you will forget). And nothing is better than a little cheerleading from your spouse - or a little friendly competition! We are definitely keeping each other in check ("not too much avocado!") and sometimes will even make each other their Spark drink (how romantic, right?). Best of all, I can't wait to celebrate with everyone at the end of all of this! We will have definitely deserved it.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Day 5 - cheater-cheater-pumpkin-eater

Day 5 Observations:

I cheated - I knew I wasn't supposed to but I did. I couldn't help myself. Not with bad food, mind you, but with the scale. The rules say no weighing until day 10 - the end of your cleanse. But I couldn't help myself. I told my inside self that no matter what the number I was, I was going to be happy because 1.) it had only been four full days and how much weight loss can one really except? 2.) I only had worked out twice in that time frame and 3.) I couldn't be disappointed because I was feeling so full of energy that THAT really was the best part of this so far, not the number on that scale. So I stepped on and waited for those flashing numbers to stop - and low and behold I lost 4 lbs!!! I couldn't believable it. It took me 3, yes, 3 months to lose 3-4 lbs. and that was with exercising my BUTT off. I know (or think) this might be a lot of water weight (thanks to the no salt), as well as the cleanse cleaning all the crud out of my system but still - I am very pleased. It makes the next 19 days not seem as daunting knowing that IT IS WORKING! Oh- and my husband decided to join me...But more on that tomorrow...

Monday, May 6, 2013

Day 4 - no nap for me!

Day 4 observations:

I'm back baby! Woke up feeling refreshed and ready to take on Day 4. I decided I needed to get more creative with my food. Since it was cinco de mayo, I took ground turkey and cooked it with a little bit of low sodium taco seasonings. Then I combined this with a half of avocado, some fresh corn (it's technically not on the approved vegetable list but it was fresh and it was just a smidgen) and my new favorite dressing - a little plain Greek yogurt mixed with a little taco seasoning. I mixed it all together and Voila! A super yummy and super satisfying taco salad. If only I could have had a margarita to go with it...But the best part of my day happened in the afternoon. We took the kids to the indoor pool in the mid morning. They swam and played for a good 3 hours and thoroughly wore themselves out. We came home and everyone crashed including my husband - everyone except for me! While my whole family slept, I felt great. Not tired at all!!! I was able to enjoy some quiet me-time and then I did the dishes and picked up the house. This BY FAR exceeds any weight loss. I was so sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. If this continues and my energy level stays consistent throughout the day, then this was all worth it. Pretty exciting stuff.